Today I arrived at flight operations on what was a cloudy day with scattered clouds lingering at around 2500 feet, remnants of the most intense northeast monsoon that has ever hit Hong Kong in the past decade. The weather certainly wasn't great but definitely flyable and made for some very beautiful views.... that I wasn't able to capture because I was so busy flying as this was in essence a check flight to check my competence in all the basic lessons from Effects of Controls to stalls and slow flight, which is part of my journey to acquire my Hong Kong Private Pilot License after finishing with my Recreational Pilot License in Melbourne, Australia.
Flying out to Tolo, it was bumpy and we encountered some moderate turbulence, however the aircraft was performing better than book figures, at 2300 RPM we were seeing 95-100 knots indicated, very impressive for a nearly 40 year old Cessna 152. The airframe was as if she was still factory new and the McCauley propeller was smooth and well polished, signs of impeccable maintenance and attention to detail. The clouds were not as low as reported and we climbed all the way to 3000 feet, our vertical limit in Tolo.
It is a shame that I did not manage to take any pictures at this stage, as the view reminded me and my instructor who had been flying for more than 30 years as to why we fell in love with flying, oh for I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth! The clouds were reminiscent of blankets of white sheets covering the mountains that surrounded the Tolo Harbor, with a continuous scattered layer far above us and a grey but very calming tone. We did not speak much except for when I broke the silence by stating, "My goodness it's beautiful." After enjoying the beauty of the situation, we broke into airwork mode and did steep turns and slow flight to see how I'm going, it all went fine however the instructor is a perfectionist which is great. High standards are what make great, safe and competent pilots after all, and being new to the aircraft type is no excuse really.
After the airwork we flew into Port Shelter via the Eastern boundaries of the sectors in order to familiarise myself with where I am authorised to fly solo in as a student pilot, it was all in all very important information and nothing really can beat the view, it was beautiful this morning. As we were returning for Tolo and back to Shek Kong, we descended to 500 feet for minimum level operations, we were flying low with the LOW!
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500 feet over the Tolo Channel? Hell yeah! |
It is a requirement to be familiar with low level flying, as the effects of wind is more profound down at low altitude, it is important not to have a temptation of using throttle to control groundspeed, as one must remember that airspeed is still the primary measure of aircraft performance! Which is what the low flying exercise is about, to allow the pilot to notice and acknowledge the visual illusions that can be experienced while down low.
It really isn't so hard, my tip for any student going to do low level navigation is to just treat it as if you were flying at normal altitudes, however be wary of going below 500 feet as it will be a violation of the rules of the air!
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Wind drift and effects are more pronounced down here! |
Returning to Shek Kong via Kadoorie, we climbed back up to 2000 feet and followed another helicopter in through Kadoorie, we did a normal overhead circuit join from 2000 feet right down to circuit height of 800 feet on downwind, and the Cessna 152 is much more responsive than the 172 in the circuit, and as it is less powerful it is slower despite the impeccably maintained engine and smooth airframe, we got around 95 knots on downwind which is a welcome speed for 172s as this means that we match their speed on downwind, another plus of the LOW. The flaps pitching moment is more pronounced in the 152 due to a lighter airframe and generally lighter and much more responsive flight controls reminiscent of the light sport aircraft type that I flew in Australia. Flying on final with flaps at 30 degrees, 60 knots is just about right for 2 men and half fuel in the tanks. However my landing today was less than desirable, I flared way too early and aggressively and my instructor caught it and helped me correct in time, it was poor judgement to flare so early with so much back pressure, perhaps this is a habit brought upon by predominantly flying much heavier 172s, which require a much more pronounced pull on the elevator.
All in all, the 152 left a great impression for me, and I will continue flying 172s for my next lessons however the 152 is also a welcome option for my flying, ultimately they are both great training aircraft, docile and very conventional to fly.
So that's it for this week! Next week will be flying a 172R for the first flight of the day!
Have fun, fly safe!